Mock exam marking

Ensure accurate evaluation of student performance

At Equivalency Marking, we specialise in providing comprehensive mock examination marking services tailored to your needs. This can be the full range of mock examinations, a small amount of key examinations, marking to a tight timescale in emergency situations, or support for a department in a difficult time in the year.  Our mock examination marking service helps improve data and feedback speed, enhancing data information available to Senior Leaders, departments and students.

A deep understanding of educational needs

Our team of experienced educators meticulously assesses mock examination papers across a wide range of subjects, providing accurate feedback on student performance. We understand the importance to you of accurately grading departmental examinations.

Our thorough evaluation process ensures fairness and consistency in assessing student achievement. We recognise the significance of timely feedback in the learning process. Our efficient marking and delivery process ensures prompt receipt of results, enabling educators to address student needs comprehensively.

mock exam being undertaken by student at school in hall